
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our friend Amy and her boys came to see us today! We had so much fun with them. They live in Ohio and we hadn't seen them since last July. We had to take a lot of pictures, of course! :)
Amy and Nathan, who just turned 2Precious Ryan (8 months old)
Amanda enjoying Ryan

Nathan getting sleepyRyan liked seeing his reflection in our water purifier

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day

The well-filled stockings (with the overflow on the counter above) A new tie (with trombones on it!) Apple Cranberry Dumplings -- our traditional Christmas breakfast
One more picture of the tree before the presents are openedThe boys inspecting their new targetEven Stuart got a present - "People Crackers!"He wanted to eat all of them Everyone in our family loves to read, so we always give each other a lot of books for Christmas. This year's grand total was 44!The Christmas tree at our grandparents' house Stockings for all the children and grandchildren

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Birthday!

A very happy birthday to Deborah!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The night before Christmas...

Some of the Christmas cards and pictures we've received this year Our Christmas tree in the front yardThe stars were so bright that we were able to take pictures of them with our regular camera lens!
The boys setting up the telescope for a better look at the stars

Up on the roof