
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From all of us!
Mama Flo and King
Our darling baby Eva - 4 months old

Our two "adopted" little sisters, Livy and Ariana, singing "Joy to the World"

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Caroling

Last week our church went caroling together in the Gallaghers' neighborhood.

Nicolas gives a bag of cookies to one of the families to whom we caroled.

Afterwards we went back to the Gallaghers' for cookies and Christmas music.  Most of the children had a Christmas piece to share.



Rebekah and Laura



Kyra and Edyn



Listening to the music

Some of the boys listened from upstairs.

Visiting together afterwards

Eva and Ariana

Playing a game

Edyn, Rebekah, and Anna

Patrick's Sixth Birthday Party

Patrick turned 6 years old this month.

Mr. and Mrs. Beeman came up from Texas for his birthday.  We really enjoyed spending some time with them while they were here.

Nicolas and Emma with their Mimi and Poppi

Patrick had a car-themed party, so the children took turns throwing balls into a tire.

Patrick picked out a matchbox car for each child as a party favor.  Eva got this cute pink car.

Uncle David playing with Emma's hair

Opening his birthday presents

Patrick loved the violin his Daddy and Mama gave him.

A BB gun from Mimi and Poppi!
"Happy birthday, dear Patrick, Happy birthday to you!"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

In Loving Memory

Our dear Uncle Jennings went to be with the Lord earlier this week. 

Uncle Jennings was always so gentle, sweet, thoughtful, and compassionate.  He would do anything for you!  We have loved living closer to him the past 14 years.  He was so good about dropping in to visit us when he was out our way or even going out of his way to come by.  We always loved to listen to his stories - he could make anything funny!

In memory, we wanted to share some of our favorite pictures of this very special man.

Uncle Jennings and his older brother, our Uncle Guy - aren't they adorable?!

Uncle Jennings shows Mama his airplane. This picture is one of my favorites!
He was such a kind and caring man.  Mama says he was always a wonderful big brother.

Uncle Guy, Uncle Jennings, and Mama

One of his school pictures from Marianna, Arkansas

Uncle Jennings served 29 1/2 years in the United States Army and Army National Guard...

...spending 3 of those years in Vietnam.

He earned several medals including Bronze Star, Purple Heart, 2 Army Commendation Medals with Oak Leaf Cluster - Quadruple (received for different tours of Duty in Vietnam), National Defense Service Medal and Bronze Star, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Army Reserve Commendation Medal, National Guard Service Medal, Tennessee Volunteer Medal, and 5 Overseas Bars.

Uncle Jennings, Aunt Susan, and our cousins, Sonya, Tiffany, Shasta, Misty, and Kelly

Uncle Jennings, Mama, and Uncle Guy in 1997

Uncle Jennings loved his family!  Here are a few pictures of him with his grandchildren in recent years.



Uncle Jennings loved to hunt.  Here he is a few years ago cleaning guns with our guys.

Uncle Jennings and Olivia at a cookout at Uncle Jennings' and Aunt Susan's this past summer

Uncle Jennings and Eva (2 weeks old)

A picture of his entire family, taken about 6 weeks ago

Our Uncle Jennings was a wonderful man . . . we will all miss him so much!