
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Triple Baby Shower

These three mamas in our church are expecting within five weeks of each other!

Last Friday our church hosted a triple baby shower for these new little blessings and their families.

Daddy welcomes the guests

Our grandmother, Mama Flo, is excited about her 1st great-grandson, due in just 6 weeks!

Big sister Eva

The Gift Tables
Baby Farris

Baby Hammond

Baby Corbett

Our first game to play was a race to see whose baby could be dressed the fastest.  Ten people seated to the right of each mother were given one piece of clothing to put on the baby, using only ONE hand. Once their piece was on they had to pass it to the next person. The first Mama to receive a fully dressed baby was the winner!

Mama, Mama Flo, and Daddy

Nicholas and Benny

James, Nicolas, and Patrick (I think James is wondering if this poor baby will still be alive when this is over!)

 Nicholas, Benny, Amanda, and William

Will, Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Poole 

Baby Hammond's grandmothers tie the ribbon on the bib - each using one hand

Yay! Anna's baby is dressed!

 "Baby Hammond" has lost his hat!

Emily and Brenna tie "Baby Farris'" bib

"Baby Hammond" is dressed!

Chris wraps up "Baby Farris"...

...and "Baby Farris" is finally dressed!  It take longer to dress a girl!! :)

The Foot Game!
The children took off their shoes and lined up behind the curtain
to see if their mothers could recognize their feet!

David and Houston held up the curtain. 

It was so funny to watch the mothers getting down to inspect their children's feet! :)

 David and Houston

Mama Flo, Rebekah, and Eva

Eva's enjoying her cracker

Emily and Laura serving the punch 

Cathi was in charge of the last game. The parents of the new babies were asked questions (mostly about their last baby) then had to write their answers on their white boards.  If both mother and father got the same answer they got a point!
The Farrises won even though it has been 6 years since their last baby! :)

The three dads, Steven, Chris, and Chris

The mothers - Miriam, Julia, and Anna

 This game was a lot of fun to watch!

I think Ella looks a lot like her grandmother! 

Clara and her baby cousin, Caroline. Clara is going to be a good big sister!

David carries some of Baby Farris' diapers and wipes to the car. :)

Eva helps Aunt Melissa with the flowers

"Can I keep this flower?"

Hope decorated these darling balloons for each family.
The Farrises

The Corbetts

 The Hammonds
 We are all so excited about these new little babies and can't wait to meet them!

 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5

Happy 5th Birthday, Livy!

Livy's party invitation - Emily made the adorable costumes!

Last year Livy decorated party hats for her guests.  She wanted to do that again this year!

The Birthday Girl

Emily made this birthday outfit for Livy.

 Guests arrive for the party

Dinner time!
Emma Grace, Emma Bliss, Hope, and Nicolas

Haven's excited!

 So is Noelle!

Time for games! 

This game was like Duck, Duck, Goose, except that instead of tagging the one who was "it" you had to grab the tail clothes-pinned to their shirt and pull it off!

The children really enjoyed this game!

 Can you guess which animal is which child? :)

Here's a closer look - Noelle and Livy

Patrick, Haven, Nicolas, and William

For this game each child had to reach into the bag and find the animal that matched the costume they were wearing.

Haven feels for the bear...

...and is very happy to find it!!

This cute little doggy is waiting for his turn.

For our last game the children had to crawl to the kitchen, eat an animal cracker without using their hands, chew it up, swallow it, then crawl back and tag the next child in line.

 Haven the Bear

Gracen the Tiger

Dino and Dog waiting in line

Nicolas the Dog

Livy the Zebra

Patrick the Dino trying to lick up his animal cracker :)

Will making an alligator face

Nicolas and Noelle are ready for cake!

 Livy's daddy made her just what she wanted - a snake cake!

"Happy Birthday to Livy!"

 Blowing out 5 candles!

 Opening presents

Reading a birthday card

Livy had lots of "help" opening her presents! :) She didn't mind at all!

Mawmaw got Livy some new earrings!

How many people does it take to get them in?? :)

Livy finds a good spot to take a rest - in her Daddy and Mrs. Chasity's laps

Time for some music!
Gunner and Livy 

 Livy's daddy got her this violin for Christmas.
Livy is playing a song for her friends.

Playing a duet with Mr. James

Gunner trying the violin

Patrick's turn

Happy Birthday, dear Livy!
We love you so much and are very blessed to have you in our home!!