
Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Snowball Fights!!

We have had so much fun with these "snowballs" that Melissa and Ross gave us for Christmas!

Livy's face here is so funny!




These 2 boys stay with us a few days a week. They have a lot of fun together!

A snowball fight with the Poole girls


Anna and Rebekah prepare to attack!

David made the mistake of opening the bedroom door! :)

These indoor snowballs are great for when it's freezing outside but we don't have any real snow! :)

Celebrating with the Gallaghers

Because our 2 families have been taking turns being sick, we were not able to celebrate Christmas with the Gallaghers until last Sunday evening.

Patrick and Nicolas are happy to get their own Monopoly Jr. game

Emma loved her remote-control Hello Kitty!


Patrick and James wrote this hilarious poem for us

Nicolas drew this picture of our family inside a pickle. :)

Sunday was also Hope's birthday, so we celebrated with ice cream!


What a face! 

William is so adorable!

 After ice cream it was time for an indoor "snowball" fight!

William wanted me to chase him.
Every time he looked back to see if I was still coming he made the cutest face!

Melissa's Bridal Shower

On Saturday the ladies of our church hosted a Bridal Shower for Melissa.

The ladies decorated the church beautifully!

Mama and Melissa

We played a game where everyone had to answer questions about Melissa.


Two of the grandmothers - Ross' "Mama Joyce", and our "Mama Flo"

Opening presents

Making wedding dresses for our models

The girls had a lot of fun with this!

Our three models - Rebekah, Kaylee, and Laura

Anna and Kristen

Some of the wedding gifts

Melissa shows the gifts to Ross afterwards.

The mothers and grandmothers help pack everything up.