
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Ice and Snow

We had several ice and snowstorms last month.

I love the beauty of ice-covered trees...

 ...the mess it leaves behind, not so much!

Anyone want to swing?

Hugh at Two Months

This little guy is growing up really fast!

These first several pictures were taken in early February - he's already looking and acting quite a bit older than he was here.

Little farmer

 A couple weeks older

Hugh with his little friend, Natalie, who is 3 weeks younger than he is.

Maryland Trip Part 1

On January 10th I (Deborah) flew up to Maryland to visit Steven and Anna and the kids for 10 days. It was my first time to fly, and I really enjoyed it!

Arriving in Baltimore

These 2 adorable people met me at the airport


Hudson waiting for his breakfast :)

My sweet little Eva

Hudson is ready for church

Snowy roads on the way to church

Catalpa Church

After church Steven and Anna took me up to the top of the mountain where you can look down on Nanny's farm.   We passed this neat castle on the way.

Looking down on Nanny's farm
You can see the Potomac River on the left, and Nanny's house (Where Steven and Anna and the kids live) and the barn toward the right side of the picture.

Sitting next to this girl in the car is fun! :)

More snow-covered roads

The frozen Potomac River is on the other side of the trees.

Nap time for Hudson...

...and a little rest for Mommy and Eva!

Eva dancing with a baby doll
(because Hudson didn't want to dance with her!) :)

Hudson truly is an awesome dude!

Sweet Eva

Hudson watching a movie of his mommy as a baby

Anna reading "Miss Suzy" to the kids. This was one of our favorite
books when we were little so I took it with me. :)


Icicles hanging on the shed

Hudson's little smile is charming!

Eva loved this new coloring book from Grandmama. 

My sweet little buddy

Hudson calls this his "school book" :)

Eva working in her workbook

Looking serious 

Playing Ball 

Isn't she adorable?


Hudson wanting to get Fluffy out of the cellar

Fluffy isn't sure she wants to be held!

"Look! It's snowing!"

Opening Christmas presents from the aunties

Nanny is so sweet!  She LOVES to watch everything the children do.

Watching Tom and Jerry

(Sorry! No pictures from Wednesday!)

Thursday morning Anna and Steven went to pick up the Hales at the airport.

A cute load

Eva is helping me put clean sheets on the beds. :)

Great writing for a 3-yr-old!


The Hales are here!!
Hudson and Sarah Hale

I love this little man!

Hudson loves to help Anna cook. 

  "I'm ready to eat!"

All bundled up to go play in the snow!