
Sunday, February 10, 2008



Amanda is very thorough, consistent, dependable, responsible and a lot of other nice things. She has always been someone who likes to have fun and who makes us laugh. Amanda has very strong opinions, but you might not realize it unless you know her very well!! Amanda's godly life is a wonderful example to all of us. She is always busy doing something. She has over 20 piano, viola, and harp students and enjoys teaching them. In addition to the piano, viola, and harp, she plays the clarinet and mandolin very well. Amanda raises chickens and sells meat and eggs. She is very interested in organic/grassfed poultry and enjoys gardening and outdoor work.
Did You Know That...?
- Amanda abhors Hummers!
- Amanda loves anything John Deere.

- Amanda's favorite hymns are "How Firm a Foundation" and "Something For Thee."

- When Amanda was little, she was sure she remembered when Melissa was born. :)
- Amanda really doesn't like it when people use slang.
- Amanda faints occasionally for no apparent reason!
- Amanda's favorite instrument is the piano. She also really enjoys playing her mandolin, Arabella.
-Amanda doesn't eat sugar, and she often has "bad dreams" in which she finds out that she just ate something with sugar in it!
- Amanda does not like the book Little Women.


  1. What??!! You don't like hummers? They are one of my favorite birds... I love you Amanda and still pray for you every day!! Everytime I see a dogwood, I think of you...missing you!


  2. Mrs. Beeman, Amanda abhors hummers as in the vehicle hummers, not hummingbirds. :)
