
Friday, April 18, 2008

A Post For Mrs. Beeman

Mrs. Beeman - We always think of you when the dogwoods bloom.
We wish you could be here to see them!
These pictures are especially for you.
We love you!


  1. what beautiful pics, and how fun to see you all!! Thanks for your prayers for P. Things went pretty well yesterday...I'll try to update his blog today. Must run as things are too quiet in the kitchen :) :) lots of love!!!

  2. How totally lovely - I cried! First for the dogwoods and the wonder of all God has made, and second for the dear friends He gives! Thank you SO much. We are going to see the dogwoods in E. Texas, but I know they will not compare to the ones in Tennessee- I was just ironing my dogwood pillowcases from Amanda today! Much love, Mrs. Bee
