
Monday, June 16, 2008

The Sound Of Music - It's Over!

Getting ready for performance #2

Sara and Stacie - the clarinet players

Kristee - oboe, Alana and Charles - trumpet Mrs. Gardner and Amanda - viola

The brass instruments were too loud, so we put rugs on the floor and hung towels over the stands to soften their sound!

Fran - baritone and Jonathan -tuba

Alan - guitar Some of the cast and stage crew backstage Dr. and Mrs. Pitts graciously invited everyone who had a part in the play (and their families!) to their home for a quick meal between the two Saturday performances.

Fran made a scrapbook of pictures for Mr. Gardner, our conductor

David asked Anna to paint percussion on the back of his shirt

This is what the sky looked like when we returned, though not a drop of rain fell! And there was a good crowd for the evening performance.

Exhausted after hours of practice and performances

Our conductor, Mr. Gardner, the hardest worker in the orchestra!

Ben - the piano playerThe percussion guys - Dr. Pitts and David

Ready to begin our last performance - #4!

The orchestra A silly picture! The cast and stage hands getting in place for a group picture

The cast, directors, stage crew, and orchestra

We all had such a great time being part of this community production!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures. Thanks again, so much, for your help. I really enjoyed getting to know all of you a little better but I am ashamed to say I still covet David's "percussion" shirt!

