
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our trip to Oklahoma

This past week we went to Oklahoma for the 40th reunion of the church Mama and Daddy went to when they lived in Ponca City many years ago. We had a great trip and a wonderful time.
The trip in the van...
The Arkansas River We passed a lot of Indian reservations and saw a lot of Indians. A herd of buffalo We stopped in Okmulgee to spend the night with our dear friend, Tia, and her husband, Jack.
They were so kind to invite us to stay in their lovely home and we enjoyed every minute of our visit!
Soon after we arrived we noticed this rainbow -- two rainbows, actually, if you look closely!
Music! David liked their dog, Laddie. A picture with Tia The next day (July 4th) we drove the rest of the way to Ponca City. The reunion started off by watching the city fireworks display from the church lawn. On Saturday we visited area museums and sights.
This is the Conoco Refinery where Daddy used to work. We enjoyed the new Conoco Museum. Watching a video about Conoco's history
We loved getting to go to the beautiful Marland Mansion again!

The mansion from the back The mansion grounds are lovely!!!!!! The gate and steps going down to the "dungeon" We also went to The Pioneer Woman Museum. The Pioneer Woman statue is the third largest bronze statue in the country. Old organs Visiting with friends and reminiscing on Sunday afternoon Mama with her precious friend, Jan Prough (widow of Hap Prough, their pastor each time they lived in Ponca), and Hap's mother, Mrs. Edith Prough. No, we aren't being disrespectful; "Hap" is how everyone addressed him, at his request. Sarah with 2 Prough grandchildren Daddy visits with an old friend, Mark Berry Rebekah and her new little friend, Owen Prough Daddy and Mama with the Heicks, Berrys, and Wayne Kraft This is the hospital where Emily was born.

Mama and Daddy lived in Ponca City five different times during their first ten years of marriage!

The upstairs apartment on the right was Mama and Daddy's very first home, 39 years ago. This is the house they rented after coming back from the Army. (It looked better 36 years ago.)Seven months later they bought their first home. (The trees in front weren't there back then.)

After a transfer to Denver, and then back to Ponca, they bought this house. And, of all things, it DID have a tree in the front! Daddy planted an apple tree. Where is it? They were living here when Emily was born. When they were transferred to California for six months they kept this house to come back to. Five months after returning, they were transferred to Houston.

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