
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mama!!

Mother has truly given her life for us! She has been homeschooling her children for 25 years. She has made so many sacrifices for her family and we are all very grateful!!!
We love you very much!


  1. Happy birthday, Mrs. Smith. You have been a great inspiriation to me.

    What a success! I am continually amazed at the excellent training you have given your children.

    Your family is blessed.

  2. Happy belated birthday!! Hope it was wonderful! My mom wanted me to tell you her computer broke (w/ her Skype on it) so she wasn't able to call you, but she wanted to! We love you!

  3. A belated "Happy Birthday" Ann. I am so enjoying the blog and your beautiful family.

    Sandy Beauchamp
    Marianna, AR
