
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Random pictures from the past few days

We picked pears at Daddy's cousin's farm for the second time in the past few weeks. We canned some of the pears and made pie filling with the rest. Pear pies sure are good!!

The pears were not nearly as much work as the apples!Yum! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Photography practice~


On Friday we visited a few cemeteries in the area to see where some of our relatives were buried. Daddy and David were the only ones of us who had been to the Smith Cemetery before. When they came it was way out in the woods. Since then someone has cut down all the trees except the little circle around the cemetery.Walking down the pathIn the circle of trees Many of the graves are marked only with stones, so we have no way of knowing whose they are. This is great-great-grandfather and grandmother Smith's grave. Someone had replaced the old marker with a newer one since Daddy was here the first time.

~At Falcon Cemetery~
Great-great-great-grandparents, Jesse and Betty Gooch Great-great-grandparents, Andrew and Lenora Gooch TeagueI really liked this next picture because it shows great-great-grandparents on the Jones (Daddy's), and Foster (Mama's) sides, and great-great-grandparents on the Gooch side in the background. Jesse Gooch's father, John G. Gooch, was both Mama and Daddy's great-great-great-grandfather! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today we tilled up our front yard to level it and we planted new grass seed. Our soil is not good and, except for winter rye, weeds grow the best. (We're grateful for the weeds, though; they're green and they don't look too bad if we keep them mowed.)

David spreading limeJonathan and David ride on the drags to weigh them down While we were working we heard a noise. Soon this came into view! A closer look ~ Why did the Goodyear Blimp come to Stantonville???? Watering the seed

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's some interesting info! It's going to take another couple of reads to all sink in... :)
