
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yesterday Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour came to McNairy county to show his support for State Senate candidate, Dolores Gresham. We were in charge of getting the food ready for the campaign rally.
Making deli spiralsAssembling the trays at the Civic Center Setting tables Cheese logsStrawberriesVegetable traysTo see pictures from the rally visit


  1. ohh! I want to EAT those deli spirals!!! and Anna looks very disturbed at her food tray in that one pic :) Was it not doing what it should?!
    The food all looks really lovely! Good job!

  2. Did you eat all those radishes yet?

    We're still working on ours. :)

  3. what a beautiful feast! I would like to know what you used to make deli spirals - I make them but they are always too stuffed! Also, where did you get rectangular flatbread/tortillas to make them - you all look so beautiful too! We are very busy trying to get J and R's stuff sorted, packed, shipped etc. Wish you were here - it would go so fast! K is adorable...not sure if you heard but the new baby is a BOY, and he is due on April 17th - not in May or June! Also, they can't do Candidate school as planned as the baby comes in the middle of it! Pray, as they are back to the drawing board re: that and other things. I love you all! Mrs. Beeman

  4. Mrs. Beeman,
    We were all SO excited to hear about your new grandSON! Was J surprised? We are glad that we only have to wait until April now!:) Tell J & R that we are thrilled for them!
