
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Little Drummer Boy

When we were little we loved to record ourselves reading books, singing, making up stories, and anything else that we could come up with. It must run in the family, because we have tapes of our grandmother and cousins from the 70's and 80's, and tapes that Mama made for our grandmother when we lived away.

Recently we had fun listening to some of the old tapes, and came across this one from several Christmases ago. We thought it was so funny that we decided to post it!

Leave a comment and try to guess which of the 11 Smiths are singing. Hint: there are 5 singers, each singing one part of each verse.

(There is no picture - just sound)


  1. The package arrived safe and sound on Monday!! Thank you so much. We now have many lovely gifts under our tree. I loved the gifts for Nicolas! Thank you so much!!!

  2. My guess is Sarah, Anna, Deborah, Jonathan and David
