
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another Christmas

This post was created on Jan. 8th...but somehow it didn't get posted. Better late than never!
Our grandfather has been in the hospital since Christmas day and just came home this week. Daddy Loren and Mama Flo are staying with us for now and we have enjoyed having them here!
Last night we celebrated a late Christmas, Daddy Loren's 86th birthday, and Deborah's birthday together.
Opening presents Among other things, all of the girls got sweaters... ...and each of the guys got a book.
Amanda got some cute John Deere ornaments.


  1. The book Jonathan is holding (about Albert Sidney Johnston) looks interesting. Might I ask who the author is? My uncle Al is Albert Sidney Johnston the fourth (I believe) and is not too far down the family tree of the original Albert Sidney Johnston of Civil War fame.



  2. Mark,
    The book is by Charles P. Rowland. Jonathan said that he has only read the first few chapters, but it has been good so far.
