
Friday, January 30, 2009

A Visit from Dear Friends

Last week we enjoyed a visit from the Stanley family. Left to right: Mrs. Stanley, Victoria, Harry, Esther, Tommy, and Pastor Stanley.
Pastor Stanley served as our pastor for 4 1/2 years. Lord willing, the Stanleys will leave next month for England, where they will be serving as missionaries. We are so grateful for the Stanleys' friendship and for the blessing and encouragement they have been to our family over the years. While we will miss each of the Stanleys very much, we are excited about what the Lord will do through their ministry in England!
Visiting togetherWe had fun watching some old videos of our families together... this one of Harry and David in 2002.While they were here we enjoyed visiting on the roof after dark......looking at scrapbooks......and playing together."Moose, Moose" is always a favorite game when the Stanleys come!Anna and EstherVictoria and Deborah


  1. Krahn family,

    We are still trying to decide the best way to explain Moose, Moose online. :) We'll try to come up with something.

  2. Dear Smiths,
    We loved your blog about our visit there. We had such a great time with you all and love your family so much! We miss you all!!!
    The Stanleys
