
Monday, March 30, 2009

Chicks and Chickens

Our 80+ meat chickens arrived on Friday.2 days old5 days oldWe have the brooder in our old greenhouse so the chicks are kept very warm. If they get too hot they can come out from under the brooder.Resting under the brooder Our silkie hen adopted our 15 new egg chicks.Showing off!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Flooring Papa's House

There are 3 beautiful redbud trees in front of Papa's house.Daddy and David cutting boards for the floorLaying the floor One room complete!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring pictures

Our redbud tree is blooming. Still no leaves on the treesA flat of geraniums Our little pear treeA row of radish plants Lettuce These cream-colored daffodils were our great-grandmother's. Our grandmother gave us some of the bulbs.We'll post more spring pictures soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Go-karting in Texas

The boys put together this video of their time gokarting with the Wahlquists when we were in Texas.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Special Time in South Carolina...
Here are some pictures of my trip to
South Carolina. I arrived home Saturday
evening, after a wonderful time with
Samuel and his parents.
Samuel is certainly MY LITTLE BUDDY!!!
I had the privilege of helping Samuel with
his school work for three entire weeks!
What fun!!!
Samuel is learning to read...
...and he can read nine
words now, all by himself!
Samuel can spell his name!
Each week he learned to write a new number
...and three!
Samuel did an excellent job with his math lessons!
After school each day, Samuel and I took a long
walk together... only he got to ride! :)
This was his monthly class at the zoo, in which he could
see and pet several different animals and birds.
On Saturday morning, after three marvelous
weeks together, Samuel and I had to say "Goodbye"
I miss Samuel now but hope that before long
we can be together again!

I am so grateful for my special time in South Carolina, and I want to send a big "Thank You" to Samuel and his parents for the wonderful time there!


Also comes a great big "Thanks" to my students here, and their families, for allowing me the time off so I could be with Samuel! Thank you to John, Nicholas, Will, Tyler, Nathanael, Nathaniel, and Spencer!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Trip to Texas

Several of us visited friends in Texas this past week! Our friends, the Everitts, were going to Texas and kindly offered to let some of us ride along with them. We had such a wonderful time!
Anna, Ariana, and Deborah in the van on the wayOur friends, the Wahlquists, picked us up at the Walgreens parking lot in Greenville and took us to their house for a couple of days.With the Wahlquist familyMicah riding his unicycle Two of the boys in the go-kartOn Saturday the Wahlquists took us to see their land and the house they are working on.The two Deborahs taking a walkThe boys working on frames for raised bedsTaking a breakThe girls playing a gameWorking on lunchMixing soil for the raised beds......and planting!Stephen helps to plant peasBeth and Deborah planting broccoliStephen and Deborah at the gateBack at the house that evening, playing a gameThe little ones before church on SundayAll the girls......and all the boys

While we were at the Wahlquists', Emily visited the Potter family and Miss Isabel Lambert. We had the camera with us, though, so she didn't get any pictures.