
Monday, March 16, 2009

A Special Time in South Carolina...
Here are some pictures of my trip to
South Carolina. I arrived home Saturday
evening, after a wonderful time with
Samuel and his parents.
Samuel is certainly MY LITTLE BUDDY!!!
I had the privilege of helping Samuel with
his school work for three entire weeks!
What fun!!!
Samuel is learning to read...
...and he can read nine
words now, all by himself!
Samuel can spell his name!
Each week he learned to write a new number
...and three!
Samuel did an excellent job with his math lessons!
After school each day, Samuel and I took a long
walk together... only he got to ride! :)
This was his monthly class at the zoo, in which he could
see and pet several different animals and birds.
On Saturday morning, after three marvelous
weeks together, Samuel and I had to say "Goodbye"
I miss Samuel now but hope that before long
we can be together again!

I am so grateful for my special time in South Carolina, and I want to send a big "Thank You" to Samuel and his parents for the wonderful time there!


Also comes a great big "Thanks" to my students here, and their families, for allowing me the time off so I could be with Samuel! Thank you to John, Nicholas, Will, Tyler, Nathanael, Nathaniel, and Spencer!

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