
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Visit with the Hales (Part 3)

On Thursday morning we girls had a nice surprise - the guys got up early and made breakfast for us!Not only did they make the breakfast, the boys also served us and cleaned up afterwards! That was a special treat for all of us. Thank you, guys!Daniel, David, David, and Jonathan enjoying a game of ping-pong The Hales invited several families over for dinner Thursday evening. Including our family and the Hales, there were about 45 people. We had a wonderful time and really enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Hannah, Emily, Deborah and Amanda make pralines for the pecan praline ice cream.
Making chicken pot pies With so many girls in the kitchen the pot pies turned into a fun and creative project......stars and stripes!Cranking the ice cream freezer Hannah serves the ice creamRuth, Sarah, and Natalie enjoy their ice cream Katherine and Deborah Sarah and Kyle
The three Sarahs Visiting with friends Most of the guys... ...and all 22 girls!


  1. Wow! I loved looking at all these, and I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE the family pics Sarah sent us!! Thank you SO much!! We loved seeing you guys on your trip here! We love and miss you so much. Patrick talks about you all, and wants to see you again!

  2. I am so glad you all came and visited! We haven't stopped talking about it yet!
    See you (hopefully) soon!
    Love y'all!!!!!
    Esther G. Hale

  3. We enjoyed every minute of your visit. Now we are having to try NOT to miss you too much! Please tell Melissa that we appreciate her letting you all come. : )And Emily, we love the CD! Thank you so much! It sounds lovely!

    Love, Hannah
