
Friday, June 26, 2009


Last night David set the trap near the pond. Something killed his last duck and he wanted to make sure that nothing got the geese. When he checked the trap this morning there was an opossum in it!
It hissed at us when we got close.
Later when he looked at it this is what he saw!
There were about 7 babies that had come out of her pouch!
We felt sorry for it and decided to let it go. Most of the babies got back in the pouch in time, but one was still hanging on as she ran away! :)


  1. Great pictures! It might get your geese after all! And peaches in June! Maybe you'd like to trade some mosquitos for some of that nice peach jam? We're happy for you all!

  2. Oh, Isaac really liked the pictures because we don't have opposums up here.

  3. We would share our jam with you, but please keep your mosquitos! We have plenty of them. You can be glad that you don't have opossums. They are mean, and are always getting in the chicken houses.

    Thanks for reading our blog and commenting!

  4. Well now I've seen it all! That last picture made me laugh out loud. Poor baby - hanging on for dear life!
