
Friday, September 25, 2009


We have never had much success growing "real" pumpkins, but several years ago we were given some neck pumpkin seeds and we have grown them ever since. Neck pumpkins are similar to butternut squash, except they're much larger and taste just like other pumpkins.
Daddy and the boys picked about 50 pumpkins this week and there are still more out there to be picked. We have been busy putting them up.
Boiling the pumpkin
After the pumpkin is boiled, we mash it and bag it for the freezer.
Some of us like to eat the mashed pumpkin with butter and cinnamon.
Next year's seeds
Here is one of our favorite pumpkin recipes. This is the best cornbread you will ever eat!
Pumpkin Cornbread
1 c. cooked pumpkin puree
3/4 c. cornmeal
1 egg
2 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
1/2 c. frozen or fresh kernel corn
1/4 c. oil
Beat egg slightly, then beat into pureed pumpkin. Add the other ingredients and mix well. Pour the batter into hot, oiled skillet and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    Thanks for sharing this great info with us. Kat and I went to Publix today to purchase canned pumpkin for making some pumpkin cookies. However, we were told "that's a seasonal item which will not be stocked for a couple of more weeks".. : (
    We purchased a 'pie pumpkin' instead and hope to have success with it today. We're excited about the 'adventure' and hope to have as much success as you've had with yours. We love reading your blog...Thanks for following ours. We always enjoy your comments.

    Blessings to you and your family,
    Karen Gray~
