
Saturday, October 3, 2009


This morning Rebekah, Amanda, Anna and Jonathan ran a 5K (3.125 mi.) in Henderson, Tennessee.
"Ready, Set, Go!"
Jonathan is in the red shorts on the far right
There were 76 runners in the race.
The red arrow is pointing at Jonathan, who is way out in front!
(Click here to view it larger)
The winner crosses the finish line in 15 minutes, 44 seconds!
Jonathan comes in fifth...
...and crosses the finish line at 19 minutes, 20 seconds!!!
Rebekah finishes the race in 24 minutes, 5 seconds!
Anna finishes in 26 minutes, 12 seconds!
Amanda finishes in 27 minutes, 59 seconds!
After the raceWaiting for the awards ceremony The winner receives his trophyJonathan came in FIRST in his age group (15-19)!!!
Congratulations, Jonathan!


    One of my favorite memories is of our family learning about Eric Liddell (when the boys were small), and then watching Matt run around the yard as fast as he could every time he went out to play! Another memory, not so favorite, was when our family went out for a walk and Matt took off running as fast as he could with his head down, and ran right into the back of a parked car! What a frightening experience that was. Praise the LORD, he didn't get too badly hurt, a little banged up and bruised, but I believe that incident halted his 'Eric Liddle' persona for quite a long while. I'm happy to say, Matt has resumed running, and anticipates running with his father and brother more now that the weather is beginning to cool back down.

    Congratulations! I admire your discipline and effort to 'run the race with patience' Heb. 12:1.

    Karen Gray~

  2. Go Smith's Go!
    Wow, you all did great!
    Special congrats to Jonathan for winning his division!
