
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our Trip to Niagara Falls, Canada Part 1

Last week Emily and I (Amanda) had the very special privilege of traveling to Niagara Falls with our grandma, Mama Flo.
We traveled on a bus with a group of senior citizens and a few younger people from the area.
Mama Flo and her "seat partner" (Emily and I sat across the isle.)
Our dear friends, the Berrys, were also on the bus, as well as Mr. Berry's sister and her husband, the Holts. They are all such sweet Christian people, and we greatly enjoyed being with them!
Eating at Cracker Barrel after the first day of driving
The second day of driving! Our bus driver stopped to fill up...!!!
Arriving at the border and waiting to go through customs
In Canada! It felt very strange (and a little sad) to leave our country for the first time!
Our first glimpse of the falls in the daylight! Seeing this part of God's marvelous creation was absolutely awesome!
"A picture is worth a thousand words"...
...but seeing Niagara Falls in person is worth a thousand pictures!
Emily, Mama Flo and me in front of the Canadian Falls. It was extremely windy down near the falls!
The drop off, just a few feet from where we were standing
This was taken downstream from the falls at the "Whirlpool Rapids."
In this corner of the Niagara River the water rushes at 35 miles per hour and creates a treacherous whirlpool.Along the bank you can see some of the rock layers formed by the flood.
Some of the people in our group rode a cable car across the whirlpool!
Posing for a few pictures
That afternoon we walked down to the falls with the Berrys. It was about a ten-minute walk... downhill... from our hotel. The falls are visible in the background.
A black squirrel!
This type of squirrel is found only in the small area between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie!
The American Falls
The mist from the falls was so heavy that it felt like it was raining! We got quite wet!
Here you can see Buffalo, New York, just behind the American Falls.
On the way back to our hotel ... uphill all the way!...we stopped and rested!
That evening we had dinner up in the Skylon Tower. We rode to the top in one of the four clear elevators on the outside of the building! Our view from the top was amazing!
We ate in a revolving dining room, so our view changed during the evening! A live musician played the piano for us and played several Tennessee songs.
This picture shows the American Falls (left) and the Canadian or Horseshoe Falls (right). More pictures coming soon!!!


  1. yay! loved seeing these! glad you are back safe and sound!

  2. Beautiful! It's been 30 years since I visited the Falls with my church youth group. A couple of your pictures look familiar.
    Thanks for taking the time to share. I look forward to more to come.

  3. You wrote:

    A black squirrel!
    This type of squirrel is found only in the small area between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie!

    I'm not sure if you mean that this is a very special type of 'black squirrel', but black squirrels can be found in many places. I've seen them in other places in the South. They are melanistic gray squirrels --(excess pigmentation).

  4. Anonymous,

    Thank you for the information. The tour guide said that they were only found there between the lakes. Maybe it was that certain type of squirrel.
