
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Creation Museum

Included with the conference was a free trip to the Creation Museum! We visited the museum a couple of years ago, but it was wonderful to be able to go again.
Standing in line to get our tickets
Just inside the museum entrance we ran into some friends of some friends of ours, who were also there for the conference.
One of the chameleons
In the "Grand Canyon"
We loved this poster contrasting man's reasoning with God's. Human reasoning = "I think, therefore I am." God's reasoning = "I AM that I AM".
The "Apostle Paul", one of the many life-size Bible characters displayed in the museum.
This section of the museum shows how departing from God's truth leads to disaster and cultural chaos.
Watching a video
In the "Garden of Eden" - one of our favorite parts of the museum.
"Noah's Ark" under construction
Gabe, a new friend, sitting on a Triceratops.
One of the live birds
David in the Dinosaur Den
We decided to brave the cold (19 degrees) and visit the museum petting zoo.
The Zonkey
David petting the zonkey
This is Gomer, the camel!
Jonathan petting Gomer
A cute llama

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