
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Birds and Ice

We've had some unusual birds around the past few weeks. We think this one is a Pileated Woodpecker...
...and this one is a Common Flicker.
After the temperatures had been below freezing for a few days, we wanted to see if we could walk across our little pond.
We were successful, so we decided to test our larger pond.
The snow was coming down beautifully as we walked to the big pond.
David carefully makes his way across the pond...
...and, after declaring it safe, is joined by the rest of us.
Sliding on the pond
Making snow angels
We've never had freezing weather long enough to make our ponds safe to walk on.
It was a lot of fun to walk, run, and slide around on the ice!


  1. Bri and I love to watch and identify birds. Those are lovely!

    We went for a walk last night and saw a whole flock of robins! (Too early too--they're gonna be cold!)

    The snow looks lovely, and the pond activity looked fun!
    God's blessings!

  2. Neat bird photos!

    We had Cardinals, Thrushes, Nuthatches, Tufted Titmice, and Chickadees eating food scraps from our deck this morning. They're so much fun to watch!

  3. That pond looks like fun... must be due to "global warming" :-)
