
Saturday, February 20, 2010

At the Creek

We've had lovely weather the past few days. On Saturday the temperature was in the 60's, so we decided to go to the creek. There were still a few patches of ice and snow, but they were quickly melting.
I love the way the water looks rushing over the rocks!
The bottom of our creek is covered with fossils from The Flood. It is really neat to see them!
This is an oyster fossil, exogyra ponderosa. (We learned that from Mrs. Hale.) :)
If you know the names of the rest of these, please leave us a comment!
Stuart enjoys playing in the creek.
Shaking water on us :)
David at the top of the creek bank
All along the creek there are fossils sticking out of the banks.
The banks are very slippery near the bottom -the gray area.
We found this dead coyote down in the creek! :(-
It's difficult to walk in the rushing water.
We found a shell with a hole in it....I just HAD to use it for a picture. :)
Little waves

"Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:13-14

The beavers have moved from our small creek to our neighbor's pond.
The pond


  1. Ooohh! What a brilliant idea for natural framing on that photo of the shell with a hole in it!

    Very nice!!

  2. great photos...looks like your dog was having a good time...

  3. Love the photos--I wanna come visit the creek too!

    Wonder what happened to the coyote?

  4. Mrs. Borowski,
    The coyote had been shot - we found a bullet hole in his side.
    And we would love to have you come visit the creek. :)
