
Saturday, February 13, 2010

A fun visit!

It was so good to have friends from Texas (the Wahlquists) come for a visit this week!
Some of the girls talking and snacking
Deborah W.
Sweet little ones
Rebekah with Stephen
Playing "Hungry Hippos"
Ben, David, Nathaniel, Jonathan and Andrew before Bible study
(front row) Melissa, Beth, Deborah, Micah, Rebekah, Sarah, Elisha, and Amanda
More talking
We always spend at least half of our time laughing. :) Mr. and Mrs. W.
"Scattergories" teams...
Sarah, Elisha and Anna
Mr. Wahlquist, Amanda and Emily
Mrs. Wahlquist, Melissa and Mama
Playing "One Big Happy Family"
We always play this game with the Wahlquists. :)
Stephen and the two Deborahs
Deborah, Beth and Stephen
Stephen turning a flip
Elisha and Anna


  1. What fun we had!!! Thank you, dear Smiths! You all are so precious to us. :)

  2. Oh wow, it looks like you had such a lovely time!

  3. We know the Wahlquist family. They are such a sweet and neat family. :) We met them about 5 years ago, but hadn't really gotten together with them until about 2 years ago.

    Johanna Kautt (one of Elisha's penpals)
