
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Misc. Pictures

After several weeks of dry weather, we finally got some rain...lots of it!
Though very wet, our crops were not badly damaged.
Seeds washed out of the rows
Corn plants coming up
A drowned tomato plant stuck in the mud
The dry strip of ground surrounded by water is the only place in this side of the field where we had seeds planted. I thought it was amazing how everything else was flooded, but not our seeds! The morning after the storm there were 2 Canadian Geese swimming in this field. :)
A snail :)
Our Azaleas are blooming!
They are so beautiful!
The view of the house from the woods.
Strawberry blossoms
We did a photo shoot with some friends of ours at this farm in Michie last week. The setting was beautiful!
This calf had just been born. Isn't he cute?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun With Our Cousins

We had our little cousins over one day last week. Deborah and I took them for a walk down the road to see our neighbor's mule and miniature horses.
The mule is tame enough to eat out of our hands.
Throwing rocks into the creek
Noelle loves computers. :)
Will is such a good helper! Here he is making lunch.
We love our cousins!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Planting our Fields

Preparing the soil
Melissa and Amanda working in the herb bed
Deborah planting tomatoes
More tomato plants
Our strawberry field
Some of the radishes we planted last month
Anna covering seeds
Emily planting corn
Jonathan and David spreading fertilizer
Melissa watering her flower garden

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures from Steven's Visit

We've had a lot of requests for more pictures, so here they are!
Talking - what Steven and Anna have spent most of their time doing. :)
This is where Steven proposed to Anna.
David and Steven playing basketball
Mama Flo invited us over for dinner on Friday night.
Anna showing her ring to Mama Flo
Mama Flo and Steven
Visiting after dinner
They (and all of us!) haven't stopped smiling!!!
Sunday afternoon at Mama Flo's, looking at old pictures
At Papa's house

The 148th Anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh

On Saturday we went to Shiloh Battlefield for the annual reenactment.
David and Jonathan
We liked this Dixie outfit!
Anna and Steven :)
The 52nd Regiment String Band
Watching the musicians
A little Drummer boy