
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures from Steven's Visit

We've had a lot of requests for more pictures, so here they are!
Talking - what Steven and Anna have spent most of their time doing. :)
This is where Steven proposed to Anna.
David and Steven playing basketball
Mama Flo invited us over for dinner on Friday night.
Anna showing her ring to Mama Flo
Mama Flo and Steven
Visiting after dinner
They (and all of us!) haven't stopped smiling!!!
Sunday afternoon at Mama Flo's, looking at old pictures
At Papa's house


  1. Great photos. I'm so glad you all are handy (and quick) with the camera! :)

    It's been the very best week of my life. Thank you all for making it so special.

  2. Lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Congrats Anna! Do you have a date yet?

  4. How exciting! I can see the love in their eyes! Can't wait to hear more about the courtship story! ;-)

  5. God is so good!!! The picture on the couch reminded me of Naomi and Aaron. At first they sat on different couches, then the opposite ends, and by the time of the wedding it was all they could do not to be side by side - uh, very close!! We appreciate seeing your desire to be pure in this relationship - what a great example for other young ladies. Thank you!
