
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Announcing the Engagement of Anna and Steven

Steven Corbett proposed to Anna yesterday!!! She said, "Yes!" :)
We are all so excited for them!


  1. WOW! Such EXCITING news! Thanks for sharing your excitement with us! The pictures are beautiful! We look forward to seeing more!

    God bless you Anna and Steven!

  2. Incredibly beautiful and happy!! Anna - your ring is beautiful, and you and Steven look so makes me cry to see how wonderfully the Lord has provided for you...and for Steven. I love you so much and am feeling almost as excited as when I was engaged!! Tell your mother that I didn't hear her yelling from the rooftops, like she said...I listened for her voice, all the way from Texas to Tennessee...Love you and wish you the most wonderful engagement ever!! I now owe you two long letters - it may still be a bit - sorry - Chris Babb from our church was badly burned today when working on his car which I guess caught on fire and caused an explosion...please have your church pray for him and his family - thankfully his lungs are not burned, but it is going to be a long and difficult addition to needs there, we leave Thursday for seeing off J and R...please pray for me..I am already beginning to cry at the thought of them being there for 3 years or so before we see them...then on to Kayleen's wedding - we are flying home from Knoxville so won't see you this trip, but one week-end soon, we will come!! You and Steven look so nice together!! Love to you and all...Mrs. B

  3. Thanks for posting these!!! I've been checking all day! :)
    CONGRATS to Anna and Steven! What a beautiful couple they make! We are sooo happy for them, and wish them a wonderful life together!

  4. Thank you all so very much! :)

  5. Congratulations, Anna and Steven! We are so happy for you! God bless ya'll!

    The Schatte girls

  6. Congratulations!!! We are so happy for Anna and Steven! Isn't God good!

  7. Congratulations! That is very exciting news.

  8. We are praising God over here! He is so good.

  9. Thank you so much, Schattes, and Krahns, and Katy, and Wahlquists! Yes, God is so good! :)

  10. Congratulations!! How exciting! The Lord bless y'all.
