
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last weekend Steven and his brothers, Daniel and Timothy, brought a load of furniture down from Maryland to Papa's house. The bridge at the bottom of the driveway is still out from the recent flooding.
Cousin Don measuring the hole to see if the "bridge" he had was long enough to go across
It was! :)
Unloading the trailer - David and Timothy
Daniel and Jonathan
Steven and Jonathan
We felt really sorry for Steven and Daniel, who carried the refrigerator all the way up the driveway!
Daddy, Jonathan, Steven, and David
Emily, cousin Amy, Rebekah, Amanda, and cousin Allie walking down the road from Mama Flo's to help
I thought this angle was really neat.
Everyone helped carry things to the house
Resting on the porch
This wardrobe barely fit!
Moving the piano into Mama Flo's house, where it will stay until the bridge is fixed

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