
Friday, May 7, 2010

The Tennessee River at Shiloh

Last Tuesday Sarah, Jonathan and I went over to Pittsburg Landing to see the Tennessee River at 7 feet above flood stage.
This coyote was walking through a field.
Pittsburg Landing - There is usually a strip of grass, then several feet of rock before the river.
A fallen tree at the landing
The water in the woods near the river is well over 10 feet deep!
This is what it usually looks like at this location. (This picture was taken last year.)
Here's another old picture from a different angle. This culvert is now completely under water...we couldn't even find where it went under!
Further down the river you can see fields that are flooded.
Below is a picture taken last year to compare to the picture above.
The whole time we were at the river huge gars were jumping out of the water! Jonathan estimates that they were 4 or 5 feet long!
Looking across the river...
...and what it usually looks like across the river
While at Shiloh we went by to see the eagles. We hadn't seen them yet this year, but saw three of them this time. In this picture both of the parents are in the tree.
One of the eagles flying
If you look closely you can see one of the eaglets peeking out of the nest.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the eagle pics!
    Sorry about the flooding though.
    Glad you all are ok.

    We miss you!
