
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Trip to Pennsylvania - Part 7

Our Wednesday night rally was at Strodes Mills Baptist Church
At each of the rallies everyone really enjoyed Amanda and Anna's arrangement of "How Great Thou Art"
Greeting people after the rally
Cody helping Daddy and David take down the banners
Caitlyn smiling at Mama and Mrs. Palmer
Thursday was another day off. We spent the evening with the Palmers and Bartons and had a wonderful time of fellowship.
A ping-pong match
Watching the game
Our last Family Rally was at Valleyview Baptist church.
Setting up for the rallies got a little faster each night. :)
Before the rally we had dinner with the church
Smiley Caitlyn
Jonathan and Caitlyn
Waiting for the service to start
Bro. Palmer
Edwin teaching the children a song
This was a fun group of kids!
Mrs. Palmer and Micah
Anna and Amanda with some little boys in the nursery
After the rally
We were very blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of these rallies!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking at all the pics from your trip! Glad you are home safe and sound!
