
Monday, October 11, 2010

More Wedding Preparations

We had so many friends pitching in to help with all of the wedding preparations the last few days. They were such a blessing to us and we enjoyed the time we spent with each of them as we worked!
Rachel and Anna working on the flowers
Amanda and Esther spent hours ironing the dresses at the church on Friday.
Unloading at the church Friday morning
The Wahlquist guys were a big help when it came to setting up for the wedding and reception.
The Hales brought the wedding cake all the way from Texas.
Rachel decorated the cake to match the beading pattern on Anna's dress. (Click on the picture to view it larger.)
We had a lot of help assembling and tying the programs Thursday evening.
Counting the finished programs
Melissa, Rebekah, and Elisha working on the bridesmaids' bouquets
Sarah H., Mama, and Anna ironing the tablecloths
Preparing the fellowship hall for the reception
More flower arrangments
Thanks so much to all those who helped! We're sorry we didn't get pictures of everyone.


  1. ohh, these are fun to look at! It was so wonderful to see you all, even if it was such a short time! We love you all heaps! :)

  2. Oh, The Wahlquists are ALWAYS helpful! :) They have been SUCH a blessing to our family the past several years that we've known them. So, we helped them stucco their house. That was SO fun! :) Elisha is one of my best friends.

    The cake, dresses and all look so pretty! :)

    God bless,
    Johanna Kautt
