
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recent Happenings and Wedding Preparations

Last week we had some friends from church over to make mints for the wedding.
Anna and Laura
Anna P.
Rebekah mixing up the mints
Steven and Anna opening wedding gifts together...
...and admiring a cross-stitch Deborah made for them.
The ladies of West Shiloh Baptist Church, a church near us, gave Anna a bridal shower last week.
Marriage counselling
More mints
Steven and Anna at the courthouse filling out the information for their marriage license.


  1. Oh...Soooooo exciting!
    I've thought much of your family this week, as I'm sure you're very busy, busy!
    Many blessings to you, Steven and Anna, as you begin your life together!
    May the LORD multiply HIS love to you during these special, memorable days!
    God bless you all,
    Karen for the Grays

  2. We're so happy for Anna and all the fun of the wedding preparations!

  3. How exciting! I have been praying for ya'll! God bless you, Anna and Steven!

  4. I'm so excited for you guys!
