
Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday Evening

Saturday evening after the wedding we invited the out-of-town guests over for dinner. Several families had to drive home that night, but we had 80 friends who stayed for the evening. It was such an enjoyable time and there were people everywhere! :)
In the living room...
...the dining room...
...the music room...
...the garage...
...the chicken house...
...on the driveway...
...the backyard, and anywhere else they could find a place.
We had such a fun time with everyone!
Some of our many guests
The girls getting the meal ready
The guys setting up tables outside
Friends visiting
Reading books with the children
Sarah, Joelle, and Stephen
Amanda, Patrick, Sarah H., Rachel, and Nicolas
Patrick, Sarah H., and Matthew
More visiting
There were several little ones to pass around. :)
Rachel and Brogan
Sarah and Nicolas
Deborah and Patrick
Rebekah and Amanda with our precious friend, Hope (and baby Emma, due in three weeks!) :)
Smith, Smith, Corbett, and Hale girls


  1. Oh, how fun! How cramped too... :) I've played SEVERAL games of volleyball with the Wahlquists-- very fun and challenging.

  2. Love the pics & the new header, too!
