
Monday, November 1, 2010


My wonderful three weeks...
My dear little buddy, Samuel, just got to come spend time with me again,
and this time he was here for three weeks!
Samuel is so pleasant and happy... so much fun!!!
Samuel truly blesses my heart!
During school time Samuel made a paper clock...
...and he is learning to tell time!
On this worksheet, he is filling in the hands of the clock to show the time written
Teaching Samuel his school work is always my favorite part of his/my visits!
He is a wonderful scholar!
Samuel was a great helper every day. He helped me with everything,
like dusting...
...making the bed...
...folding the laundry... the tub...
...and even baking!
It was such fun to have him sit in for my other students' lessons again.
Some of my students he knew already...
...and there were some new ones for him to meet.
Here are my two precious little darlings, Samuel and Nathaniel, loving each other.
These two little guys had such a good time together!
Samuel also helped his Bekah feed and take care of the chickens.
Here we are filling their water buckets...
then carrying them down to their house...
and filling the waterers.
He also helped me carry fresh hay for them,
...and filled the nesting boxes...
and he carefully helped me to gather the eggs.
One night, toward the end of his visit, Samuel got to join the Smith, and Corbett :), families for a cookout, and supper around the campfire.
He thought this was grand!
Samuel roasts his marshmallows...
Bekah pulls them off and prepares his s'more...
...then he enjoys it!
Now Samuel has gone home, and Bekah feels lonely...
I had so much fun with you, Samuel! Will you come again soon?
Thank you for coming to see me! Bekah loves you very, very, very much!!!


  1. such a sweet post, Rebekah! Thank you again for Emma's BEAUTIFUL blanket!! I LOVE it!
    and it's so fun to see a pic of the newlyweds!!! :)

  2. What an awesome post!
    I'm so encouraged by your enthusiasm, 'Bekah', for helping Samuel learn so much.

    Thank you for the inspirational post and encouragement!

    Many blessings to you and your family,

  3. Aww... I loved your post, Reb! The pics are all so cute!
