
Saturday, December 4, 2010


This year we celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday at Mama Flo's house, with Daddy's brother Larry and his family.
Cooks in the kitchen
Some of the Thanksgiving dinner
Allie enjoying her macaroni
It is so much fun to have a little one in the family!
Allie entertains us all. :)
Uncle Larry and Allie were playing a game in which they took turns chasing each other. It was Allie's turn to chase Uncle Larry.....but this is what happened. :)
Aunt Jeannie and Uncle Larry
Ross and Amy
On Thursday we had a game of Volleyball at Steven and Anna's, then went back to Mama Flo's for another Thanksgiving dinner. :)
Thanks to our cousin, Amy, who took the volleyball pictures!
No, He wasn't going to kick it, just gearing up for a good hit!
Allie, Emily, and Mama Flo watching the game from the porch


  1. Oh, it looked like you had such a wonderful time of fellowship! Thank you for sharing it!
