
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mr. Richard's 100th Birthday Party!

On Saturday we attended a friend's 100th birthday party!! Mr. Richard has 10 children and 81 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren! (That's not counting all the spouses, either!)
In the summer we pick blueberries for Mr. Richard. (See pictures here)
Mr. Richard is still buck dancing! He won the Buck Dancing Championship in 2005 and 2006!
After the birthday party we went to the Richards' lodge for another celebration. Watch the video below to see Mr. Richard buck dancing at 100 years old!
Cutting the cake


  1. "Visitor #055972" thinks this is a FANTASTIC blog! Of course this is only the 3rd blog I've ever been on !

    Hi to all of you!

    You've been in our thoughts and that we have high speed internet (got it as a Christmas gift for our family) it'll be easier to keep in touch.

    Haven't made any trips up that way for many years...

    Praying for y' the wedding pics and modest wedding gown ! Hope my girls do that !

    Gotta go for now. Can't cover everything in one night ! Love, Narda

  2. Thank you for your comment, Mrs. Gallagher! It was so much fun to hear from you!:)
