
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Olivia's Birthday

Our cousin Livy turned 3 on Tuesday! We had a birthday party for her at our house.
Emily made a cake in the shape of a 3, and Livy helped decorate it.
Yummy! (and yes, I washed her hands after this!)
Livy's daddy made her a pink elephant cake. Livy loved both of her cakes!
Time for the party!
A party hat for Pawpaw...
...and one for Uncle Michael - Oops! That's not where it goes!
Why not wear lots of party hats? :)
Here Livy is taking a picture of Pawpaw with all his funny hats
Opening presents
A doll from Aunt Misty and Uncle Michael
Livy loves Elmo, so Emily made her an Elmo outfit! It is so cute!
Happy Birthday, Livy! We love you so much!!


  1. Did she remember the outfit? :)

  2. Yes! She wore it to church on Sunday :) Her grandmother sent me a picture - I'll forward it to you. :)
