
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Visit from the Palmers and Bartons

Last week our friends from Pennsylvania, the Palmers, and their daughter and her family, the Bartons, came for a visit. We really enjoyed having them here!
Mama with little Caitlyn - always such a happy baby!
Bro. Palmer, Cody and Caitlyn
Cody had a lot of fun with this train set
Julie and Caitlyn
Rebekah, Mrs. Palmer, and Melissa spent a lot of time crocheting and knitting while we visited. Someone had given Mrs. Palmer a crocheted hand towel and she wanted to learn how to duplicate it.
The finished products
Sarah and Cody
Bro. Palmer preached at our church one Sunday, and at another church near us the following Sunday. On Wednesday he spoke at our church's Men's Meeting. At the same time, we had a Ladies' Meeting at our house with Mrs. Palmer.
A few of us had a class upstairs with the younger children.
Playing together afterwards
The little ones enjoyed sweet Caitlyn!
Baking with Cody
Isn't he adorable?!
Livy had so much fun helping Mrs. Palmer give "Annie Dog" her bath!
Precious little Caitlyn

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