
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our trip to Texas

A few weeks ago we went to Texas for our friend, Rachel Hale's wedding.
On the drive down...Steven, Anna, and David watching a funny video

We stopped at the Hales' for a few minutes when we first got into town.
Mama and Rebekah looking at Rachel's ring

Rebekah, Hannah, and Deborah

Jonathan and David stayed at the Hale's to help out with chores during the weekend...

...and the rest of us stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Beeman.  We had such a wonderful time with them!

Mama and Mrs. Beeman visiting on the patio

We loved being able to spend some time with these dear friends!

 Our six precious adopted "nephews and nieces"
Left to Right:  Nicholas, Patrick holding David, Kathryn holding Emma, and Daniel

Emily fixing Kathryn's hair

 Kathryn and Deborah

Patrick and Kathryn playing outside

Adorable Daniel

 Working on lunch one day at the Beemans'


Sarah and Kathryn

 Rachel and Danny

Amanda and David

Mr. Beeman and Daddy checking the weather before our trip home

Anna and David

Isn't he cute?

Reading to Kathryn

Deborah and Daniel

After the wedding on Saturday the Hales had several families over for the evening.  We were having so much fun enjoying our friends and holding babies that we didn't take many pictures, but here are a few.


Girls watching the game

Daddy and Mr. Wesson

Some of the ladies fixing their plates

We will post pictures of the wedding preparations and wedding soon.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a wonderful trip! And I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures. :-)

    Thanks for the fun updates. :-)
