
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zoo Day

Last Thursday our church went to the Memphis Zoo together.

Waiting in the parking lot for the rest of the group to arrive

 Looking at the tigers

Mother and daughter

Livy looking at the mountain lions

Nicholas giving Benny and Will a ride

Watching the animals was fun, but watching the people enjoy them was just as much fun!

I think the monkeys were everyone's favorite!  Here is a funny video clip of one of the baby monkeys getting scared by a larger monkey.

A roaring panther


I thought this was a really cute family picture.  (The fifth child is walking just in front of his daddy, so you can't see him.)

Miriam and Clara

Livy gets a ride!



Some of our group

The two Annas

Waiting for the sea lion show to start

It was a really good show!

Playing in the fountains

Jonathan and Anna


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