
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beeman Visit!

We were so excited to have our friends, the Beemans, visit again for a few days!!
Kathryn and Sarah
Precious little Daniel ready for church
Our cousin Livy LOVES baby David!
Daniel picking berries
Livy and Kathryn playing with a real-live baby doll!
Daddy and David
Jonathan, Jedidiah, and David shooting skeet
Helping make Rice Krispy Treats
Kathryn and Livy had so much fun together! They kept calling each other "Sister".
Kathryn looking at the flowers
How many people can work on one meal?? :)
Our friend, Esther, was travelling with the Beemans. It was so fun to have her here!
Emily and Jedidiah
Kathryn and Amanda

Dinner at Steven and Anna's

Livy and Kathryn trying out baby Eva's chair. :)
The little ones enjoying their spaghetti dinner
Watching the volleyball game
Peppermint ice cream was perfect for a hot evening!
Daddy and Mama Flo
The boys
Livy and Kathryn
Having a baby around is so much fun!
Granny Smith and David
Livy and Frosty
Livy and David
Thanks for having us over, Steven and Anna!! It was such a fun evening!

Fun at the Creek!

In the back of the truck headed down to the creek
Rebekah and David
We found that the best way to get the children down the steep and slippery banks was to pass them from one person to another.

The children loved playing and splashing in the water!
Trying to catch a fish in the net

We caught several little tiny fish. :)
Baby David goes wading for the first time :)
Kathryn, Livy, and Daniel
A group picture before we head back to the house
Back row - Sarah, Rebekah holding David, Deborah, Jonathan, Emily, David, Rachel, Amanda, and Esther. Front row - Kathryn, Livy, Jedidiah, and Daniel.
Jedidiah and Daniel
David fell asleep on the way home.
We decided to have lunch outside since the children were so dirty. :)
Kathryn and Livy

Monday, June 27, 2011

Eva's Shower

The ladies in our church hosted a baby shower for Anna and Baby Eva on Saturday.
Melissa made this adorable cake
We used some of the gifts as decorations :)
Some of the shower attendees
Eating lunch
Playing games

Kyra, Rebekah, and Laura singing - part of one of the games
Anna had lots of help opening presents!
Livy said that opening baby Eva's presents was her favorite part of the day!
So cute!
We can't wait to meet baby Eva!!
We're all still enjoying Mama's Christmas present! :)