
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fun at the Creek!

In the back of the truck headed down to the creek
Rebekah and David
We found that the best way to get the children down the steep and slippery banks was to pass them from one person to another.

The children loved playing and splashing in the water!
Trying to catch a fish in the net

We caught several little tiny fish. :)
Baby David goes wading for the first time :)
Kathryn, Livy, and Daniel
A group picture before we head back to the house
Back row - Sarah, Rebekah holding David, Deborah, Jonathan, Emily, David, Rachel, Amanda, and Esther. Front row - Kathryn, Livy, Jedidiah, and Daniel.
Jedidiah and Daniel
David fell asleep on the way home.
We decided to have lunch outside since the children were so dirty. :)
Kathryn and Livy

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