
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Beemans' Visit

Last month our precious friends the Beemans stopped by for a visit on their way up north.
We had so much fun with them and their sweet children, Kathryn...


...and baby David!

Olivia loved little David and would have held him all day long if we had let her.

Reading books

Taking a walk

We were babysitting that day, so we had 5 little ones to enjoy.

The children at lunchtime

We were glad that Esther S. was travelling with the Beemans - it was so fun to have her here!

Little David being adored

Kathryn trying on a new dress Melissa made for her


We really enjoyed the time we had together and look forward to their return trip later this month!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Family Smith.

    We are a christian family from Holland and we have been reading your blog for a few months now. We love to read about you and your lives, It's gives us a warm feeling. You should be proud at such a beautifull blog.
    Melissa, we invite you (and a sister) to come and visit us. It is possible to stay at our place. Our house is not so big, but we could make room for 2 persons, I think.
    Then, you'll be able to visit the "Corrie ten Boom-house" and other places like the "Anne Frank-house", famous windmills and other places.
    I know, the baby from Anna and Steven is coming soon.
    But I want you to know: You are welcome in our home.

    Best regards,

    fam. Gert and Marja Bos
    Rotterdam Holland
    g.bos at
