
Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Gallaghers' Visit

We had so much fun having precious friends from Texas visit us for a week recently!

During the week, James and Hope (and baby Emma) went away for two days to celebrate their 7th anniversary...

...and we had the pleasure of keeping their two little guys.

Patrick and Nicolas playing with "glove people"

Fun with their "aunties"

Sweet baby Emma

Isn't she adorable?  We love her hair and her chubby cheeks.  :)

Making music together

Emma tries some new instruments

Olivia was happy to have some new little playmates.

Nicolas, all hot from helping in the garden

This picture reminds me of some we have of Jonathan and David playing together years ago.

Anna and Emma

Visiting the neighbors' cows and donkeys

Brothers coloring together

Visiting the chickens

Emily and Emma

Mmmmm, fresh corn on the cob!

An adorable patriotic trio

Funny Nickel!

Playing outside

Hope and Nicolas

The boys trying out their new parachute toys

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