
Monday, August 8, 2011

Eva's First Few Days

Eva has had a lot of visitors the past few days.  She is a very popular baby!  :)

Our grandmother, aunt, and cousins admiring the baby.

Eva is named for her great-grandmother, Florence Evelyn (Mama Flo).

Our cousin's daughter, Allie

Peacefully napping

I love this outfit Melissa made for Eva.

Livy loves Baby Eva

Our Aunt Donna

Cousin Laurie

Deborah made this cute melon basket for Anna and Steven

 After church on Sunday several friends stopped by to see the baby.

Our little cousins loved meeting and holding Eva

Our cousin, Tiffany and her daughter, Noelle




Deborah and I took some pictures of Eva yesterday.  Isn't she adorable?!  Click here for more.


  1. She's sooooooo adorable!
    I love the colors chosen for her room! Awesome photographs! The Baby Carriage? Your family's talent never cease to amaze me! What a blessing and inspiration you are! Thank you!
    May the LORD continue to use and bless you to bless others!


  2. What is Anna doing sitting up!!! Naughty, naughty Anna! Go lay down right now! ;) ;)

    Eva is scrumptious!

  3. I love the outfit Melissa made too! It's precious. Is it appliqué or embroidery?

  4. Thanks for the comments.

    Hope - We did tell Anna what you said about not getting up. :) (And she stayed down for the first couple of days.)

    Lori - The outfit is embroidered. Our grandparents gave us an embroidery machine several years ago and we really enjoy it.
