
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another marvelous time with my buddy!!!

My dear, sweet buddy, Samuel, was able to come spend a couple weeks with me again this fall. :) 

This shows how happy he was to be with Bekah again!
I was also so happy to have him here.  He is such a
great joy and blessing to me!

How I love Samuel!!!

Here are a few pictures from our time together...

School time 
Samuel works so hard!

He has learned 12 verses from this ABC Bible memory book!

Practicing his writing...

counting coins...
counting and putting the numbers in order...

...and writing them 

Learning the states
Samuel can locate Alabama, Alaska and South Carolina on a map!
Tired after a day of school, but still so sweet and happy!

                                 Helping with the chickens
One day he helped move the broilers from the
brooder to their pens out in the field.

 Samuel mimics the flapping chickens :)

Checking to see that they are safely settled into their new home :)
"Tickle, tickle"

Samuel loved trying out Bekah's new swing!


On the first day of fall there was a special treat for Samuel...
...a fun time with wonderful new friends, Patrick and Nicolas...

...then an ice cream treat...

 ...and then a pajama/flashlight walk down the farm road in the dark!

Samuel and I had such fun baking together!

 And he loved spending time with "Baby Eva"!

Silly boy!

"Nicholas!" Samuel was delighted to see an old friend at church!
...and at lessons both weeks

Lessons were a time of reunion for Samuel!
He loved seeing more of his old friends, a few of which were...

...little Nathaniel, who read stories to him...

...and brought a special car to help him put together!

...big Nathanael, who carefully shared all that he has been studying... 
...while Samuel listened attentively...

...and Spencer! A good friend and buddy for Samuel! 

Two of Bekah's darlings!

Will takes time to have a puppet show for Samuel

A very special treat!

On Samuel's last night here, our neighbors, who own the One Stop in Stantonville,
brought pizzas for us all, especially in honor of Samuel!  (Pizza is his favorite!)

Samuel counts then tell us all "Six pizzas!"


Bekah loves and misses you so much, Samuel!
I'm looking forward to this spring!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO happy you all still stay in touch with Samuel! I love seeing pictures of him, he has grown up so much!
