
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

This year we spent Thanksgiving day with Daddy's brother and his family at Mama Flo's house.  Mama Flo also invited the Gallaghers and Livy to join us for the day, which made it even more fun and special!!

Livy, Allie, Patrick, and Nicolas enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner!
Ross, Amy(behind Ross), Rebekah with Eva, Mama Flo, Daddy, Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Larry, and Lori
We had so much fun with all the little ones!!!
Granny Smith and Eva
Emma and Aunt Amanda
Lori and Eva
The children all dressed up as Pilgrims or Indians, using costumes that were ours when we were little. :)
Anna and Rebekah dress Eva :)
All dressed up!
Aren't they adorable?!

Emma Bliss
Allie and Livy
The Indians attack the Pilgrims...

...and the Pilgrims fight back!
What fun!
Allie is not so sure she wants to be a part of this fight!
Hope, Amanda, and Sarah watch over a little Pilgrim
Grandpa Smith and Eva
Emma and Hope
Livy LOVES Eva!
Looking at a book together
Playing games
Eva and Mama Flo
Patrick and Nicolas have found that Mama Flo always has candy to share!
It's been a busy day! Granny Smith and Eva take a rest together!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

"O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 136:1

Livy's Thanksgiving videos :)

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