
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas Celebrations!

We are finally posting pictures from Christmas!!

Christmas Eve - Aunt Susan and our cousins, Kelly and Livy, came over for the evening.
Livy plays with puppets from Rebekah

Livy loves to play with electronics!  This picture reminded me of the one below it, which was taken one year earlier.

Christmas Eve 2010
 IMG_4838.JPG (1600×1065)

Our friend Ariana spent a few weeks with us over Christmas break.  We enjoyed having her be a part of the family!  Here Ariana is opening a present from Livy.

Livy dresses her teddy...

Emily made Livy and her teddy matching camo pajamas! :)


 Christmas morning - Deborah and Ariana

We didn't take many pictures Christmas afternoon while we were opening gifts, but here are a few.

Mama Flo went to church with us Christmas day and spent the afternoon with us.

Everyone got a good laugh out of David's cowboy-boot socks!


Ariana and Deborah

We missed having Anna, Steven, and Eva with us this Christmas, but we were also very happy that they could spend Christmas with Steven's family down in the Cayman Islands. 

Ariana took this picture of some of us video chatting with Eva :)

 Christmas Evening - The Gallaghers came over and spent the night with us!

Emma being funny at dinner

Amanda and Emma

The boys ready for bed....but not until all the presents are opened!!

Ariana helps Emma open a gift

 James entertains us all by reading Very Worried Walrus.

Uncle Jonathan helps Nicolas with his new marble roller.

On the 26th we celebrated Christmas at Mama Flo's with Uncle Larry's family.


Jonathan and David playing with Allie's stuffed animal :)

Each year Ross makes a calendar for Mama Flo with pictures of the family.  We all enjoy looking at it!

King chews on his Christmas present from Uncle Larry...

...while his audience watches. :)

The 2 biggest hits of the day were Allie's dollhouse...

...and a Feeley Meeley game!! 

Daddy's youngest brother had this game when he was a boy, then all the grandkids enjoyed the game until it was no longer playable because most of the pieces were lost.  Rebekah found one on ebay and everyone had so much fun playing it again after all these years!

Ross plays for the first time. :)

Amy's turn!

Jonathan - I love the face! He's concentrating on what he is feeling.

Merry Christmas!!!

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